Evolutionary Astrology


Evolutionary Astrology is a name used to describe a style of astrology that understands each person's birth chart as a map of the soul's evolution. Evolutionary Astrology embraces paradigms and methodologies which specifically measure the growth of the soul from life to life.

What’s the meaning of it all?

The Art of Astrology,

It is thought that human beings incarnate in a succession of lifetimes and that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary condition of the soul at the moment of birth.

The birth chart then reflects the evolutionary intentions of the soul for the present life, revealing your gifts and shortcomings and what is possible to achieve on a soul level; finding both peace, meaning and understanding for life’s circumstances.

Astrological symbols are multi-dimensional and are modulated into material and psychic expression by the consciousness of the individual.

A reading helps you understand the realities you experience, both internally and externally.

We will be looking at your gifts and your challenges through the looking glass of your natal chart (birth chart). I will need your birth date, exact time and place of birth for an in-depth reading.

1 Hour $155