Franklin Method®

Change your Body by changing your Mind.

In simple terms, the Franklin Method helps you understand your anatomy better than ever before, offering a wealth of metaphorical imagery and embodiment techniques that allow you to truly hone in on your movement and maintain a healthy function of both body and mind.

This innovative approach to physical training is not only rooted in extensive research and evidence, but it has also been successfully applied by countless prestigious universities, academies, and organizations across the globe.

Through the Franklin Method, individuals are empowered to unlock their full potential, promoting not only physical vitality, but also enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life.

Franlin Method in Vail, Wellbeing, movement,  workshops, organ health, pelvic floor, yoga, hip health, joints, released neck, healthy spine

“If you want to change your body, first change your mind.”

Eric Franklin

Eric Franklin

“You are the result of what you have practiced, so if you don’t like your current experience, change what you practice.”


  • Franklin Method, hip health, pelvic floor

    A healthy Pelvic Floor

    Let’s explore the pelvic floor. What is it, what does it do and how can we improve it?

    The pelvic floor has five fascial layers and we will learn how to feel and improve each level.

  • Centered through Organ Imagery

    Ever thought about your organs moving? Probably not, however if your organs can’t move freely it might cause all kinds of issues in your body. Let’s explore orgokinematics = the move meant of organs with exploratory anatomy and movement.

  • Healthy feet for life

    We have 26 bones in our feet and over 100 ligaments and muscles. Let’s explore our feet and how they move to improve your gait. posture and well being.