Red Light Therapy (RLT) • Photobiomodulation

  • Cellular Health

    Different light wavelengths can stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Most notably, R+ and NIR+ light therapy can increase energy production within cells. In many cases, this has a positive ripple effect on the body.

    Each cell has tiny organelles called mitochondria. Photo receptors on your mitochondria capture photons of red and near-infrared light, in response the mitochondria will produce energy ( ATP) more efficiently. Reversing mitochondrial dysfunction is a step towards improving wellness. As individual cells become energized, they begin to function better.

    In essence, red light therapy can offer improved well-being at the cellular level.

  • Increased Collagen Production

    Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body Collagen is important for healthy skin, but also for your muscles, joints, and connective tissues.

    Red light therapy is well-studied and is known for its ability to boost collagen production. It stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin, improving skin strength, elasticity and plumpness, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

    It is a popular treatment for anti-aging, reversing sun damage, wound healing, and scar reduction.

    RLT increases circulation and it assists with lymphatic drainage.

  • Reduce Inflammation

    Inflammation is a major cause of chronic disease and slow healing.

    Red light therapy can reduce inflammation to support healing.

    Benefits of reducing inflammation include relief from inflammatory skin disorders, including mild to moderate acne and psoriasis. Increased circulation also helps faster muscle recovery after intense exercise or injury, weight loss and chronic inflammation.

    RLT also has neurological benefits, helping with traumatic brain injury, stroke , depression, memory problems, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Red Light Therapy, Skin rejuvenation, workout recovery

We use different wavelengths in our RLT sessions!

The Most Therapeutic Wavelengths:

Hundreds of studies confirm the use of a combination of wavelengths. Many LED therapy beds only offer one wavelength at a time, whereas results can be signficantly better when combining red and NIR wavelengths. Blue wavelengths also add to the treatment benefits.

Here’s why:

Blue wavelengths are known for killing bacteria on the skin, whether it’s acne-causing bacteria or bacteria that could slow the healing of a wound. Blue light also reduces redness and inflammation.

Here is some more infomation about the wavelengths in particular, and how they offer complimentary and different treatment:

Red wavelengths between 630 and 660 nm are a popular natural treatment used for skin care. They can accelerate skin wound healing, treat skin disorders such as acne, and reduce signs of aging including fine lines, wrinkles, and sunspots. Red wavelengths can also reduce scarring and make stretch marks less prominent.

NIR wavelengths between 810 and 850 nm address conditions deeper in the body including inflammation, osteoarthritis joint painneuropathy, and muscle recovery after exercise. NIR wavelengths reduce inflammation deeper in the body.   

The best approach is to use blue, red, and NIR together in a multi-faceted approach that targets surface bacteria, deep systemic inflammation, increased blood flow, increased collagen production, and increased cellular energy production.

10 Minutes $25, 15 Minutes $35, 20 Minutes $45

Experience it for yourself

Get your own RLT device for selfcare and home use! Click here